Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rushing River

For the July Long Weekend we headed East to Rushing River. We joined some friends at Sioux Narrows and spent a day fishing on Lake of the Woods! The kids had a blast and caught a ton of fish! Here's Cole with one of the first of many fish caught that day!

Mackenzie seemed to have the knack for catching crayfish. If you look really close you'll see a tiny crayfish at the end of her line.
Finally - a real fish! After a little coaching she was even ready to hold the fish by herself!

Cole was also brave enough to hold a fish.

We stopped for shore lunch in the middle of the day and cooked our fish, potatoes, beans etc over an open fire! The kids loved playing and exploring the island. Cole was busy feeding the fish guts to the pelicans.

Mackenzie kept busy trying to feed the squirrels - they seemed to like the beans!

The water at Rushing River was extremely cold but that didn't stop the kids from having a great time! They swam to the different islands and played in the rapids.
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