Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Stuff

Mackenzie was the librarian in her school Christmas Concert. She was very excited to have some speaking parts and she did a wonderful job with it.

Cole was also very excited about his Christmas program. His class sang some songs and said a few poems and then the party began! We were treated to a room full of Christmas games to play with Cole and lots of goodies to eat. Here he is making a guess at how many candy canes are in the jar.

One of the kids favourite holiday traditions is making Schmondt Kuche (Cream Cookies). Once again they were very eager helpers and did a great job cutting the cookies out of the dough. Of course there was a few licks and stolen pieces of dough! Thanks for the great PJ's Aunty Jane!
Grandma Ann helped the kids make these yummy chocolate houses! First they melted the chocolate and poured it into moulds and then put the houses together when the chocolate set! YUM YUM YUM!
All dressed up in front of the tree!
Fester was very interested in the milk and cookies left for Santa. He jumped up onto the coffee table which is extremely difficult for him in his old age. He sniffeed the cookies and then lay down beside them for the rest of the evening!
Christmas morning under the tree!

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