This year for Halloween, Mackenzie was a glittering, purple witch and Cole was the brave and fierce knight! We actually had a beautiful evening for trick-or-treating and thankfully the wind cooperated and stayed calm for the evening!

Here's our guard spider that we made for the front yard!

Halloween wouldn't be complete without a stop at Mrs. Enns' house! This year she was dressed as a spider!

After driving around town to a few places we met up with some friends and trick or treated around the neighbourhood bay. The kids had a blast and came home with bags overflowing with candy!

The two little witches on Halloween!

For some reason I can never seem to upload these pictures in the right order so let's go back a few days before Halloween now! Mackenzie had a great time carving the pumpkins and was right in there taking out all of the goop!

Cole on the other hand wanted nothing to do with it because - you guessed it - "It's too STINKY!" He stayed as far away as he could!

The finished product!

Grandma Ann was able to join Mackenzie at her school for Pumpkin Day! She was so excited to have Grandma there with her. They spent the morning measuring their pumpkins, counting seeds and carving them!

And now we're back to Halloween Night! Carter & Jaxon with Mac & Cole !