Monday, October 1, 2007

Fall Fun

The kids have had fun this fall in our backyard! This spring we planted one pumpkin seed in our garden which quickly overtook the whole area and produced over 8 pumpkins!! The kids were very excited to harvest them the other night and of course the scrapbooker in me saw a great photo op so I took out my camera and started snapping!! Mackenzie, as always was very cooperative! Cole on the other hand was a big goof and kept making silly faces etc! I finally gave up trying to get a nice picture and just took a whole bunch of goofy ones! The kids also had a great time playing in the leaves! Notice the preview to Cole's Halloween costume! We bought it on Saturday and he hasn't taken it off since!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holly pumpkins Batman - could there be any more and any larger? You're a great pumpkin grower Rob - and a great picture taker too!
Love, Sheryl